It’s December! The winter is here, and Christmas spirit has already engulfed our daily life. Today, we want to share some positive news and update you about our community. As always, we had a very busy preceding month: The oikos LEAP Advanced participants attended their first webinar, and Francophone Meeting welcomed our French-speaking oikees in Lausanne, while our alumni gathered together in a number of cities across Europe. Meantime, our new oikos International Board i.e. the oikos President and Vice Presidents met in southern France to discuss next year’s strategy and priorities. The board shared their heartfelt message in the “3o seconds with…” segment of the newsletter.
Do not forget that oikos Belgrade is working day in and day out to welcome you to the Spring Meeting from 15th to 18th of March, 2019. The second round of applications is now open and will close on January 13th, 2019.
- Apply now!
Finally, we would like to thank the whole oikos community for being so amazing, supportive and vision-driven. We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Enjoy this December edition of our newsletter and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter to stay updated!