It’s finally summertime! Make use of the sunshine and recharge your batteries with renewable energy for a new semester with oikos. While enjoying the summer break however, please do not forget to make a difference wherever the fate throws you. The oikos July newsletter will be a perfect read for you to stay informed and plan your holidays in a challenging way. You may try to evaluate your own responsibility in global setting or simply take a sail down the Neckar river just like the participants of the oikos Germany Meeting did in Tübingen, Germany. If it is not demanding enough, feel free to enjoy the mountain sceneries of Georgian Stepantsiminda during the oikos Summer School on Social Entrepreneurship in Tbilisi. If 23 international students seem a small pool of new contacts, try with the Degrowth conference in Leipzig, Germany. Another option is learning about food and sutainbility in Prague while getting to know the city from a unique perspective of a homeless guide. If you prefer mental journeys to travelling around, consider joining one of the Learning Circles and devote your summer to exploring the topic of your interest with a team of like-minded people. To plan your leadership path accordingly, get inspired by Adrian von Jagow, the chief organizer of the Regional Meeting in Germany.