oikos members and associates feel passionate about sustainability and are renowned as action-oriented experts in the field. The community has access to and co-creates a broad spectrum of international projects and events that invite them to grow personally, share knowledge and exchange opinions and ideas.
Being joined by the drive to contribute to positive system change allows all involved individuals to be on a collective journey which is not only at the heart of their interest – but also fun and empowering.
The oikos community hosts an average of five international conferences for its members per year in different regions of the world. The topics dealt with in these conferences relate to sustainability and are most often linked to economics and management. oikos members are welcome to attend these meetings at a low expense and are encouraged to discover new cities whilst gaining inspiration from external partners and their oikos mates.
One of oikos’ focus is to empower students to develop their personal capabilities, competences, reflection skills and world view. By executing projects, attending oikos events and joining programmes like our leadership training LEAP, oikos members have the opportunity to learn and develop in a trusted and motivating environment.
When joining oikos conferences and organizing local and international projects, oikees are directly confronted with well-renowned business practitioners and academia in the field of sustainability.
Whereas our community itself holds the key to the next generation of responsible leaders towards sustainability, these contacts can give you insights into the current situation on the market, they might inspire your vision with their experience and opinions and may also support you in finding your next profession. There is also a job platform on our intranet, where we regularly share upcoming opportunities
Obtain personalised logos and Email addresses to build upon our reputation on a local level. Other than that, you will have full access to toolkits and methods that help the successful execution of your ideas, the measurement of your impact and enhance the reputation of your local chapter.
oikos attempts to always inspire its members and propose alternative perspectives in order to allow them to reflect and broaden their own skill set and range of competences.
oikos has a very competent, active and passionate international team who is ready to assist you in your activities.
The Board, which is elected by the oikos community every year, also specializes in certain fields, such as website management, communication or fundraising and do their best to answer your questions.