Our oikos chapters are sprawled across the entire planet and every one of them is different and has different interests. The Chapter Pathways Initiative is a way for us to connect our chapters with each other, facilitating exchange and supporting them in their endeavors.
why is community work so important?
Our chapters and community are at the heart of oikos International – without a well-connected and enthusiastic network, there is no oikos International! We want to build bridges between chapters and between chapters and oikos International so that we can strengthen each other (with new ideas, energy, motivation and support). Through this work, we can make sense of who is in our community, what they need and how these needs might be met.

what spaces exist for the oikos community?
oikos International hosts a variety of onsite and online spaces for oikos chapters and the wider community including oikos alumni. Some are meant to accompany chapters on their path of being an oikos chapter (e.g. chapter check-ins and houses). Others can be picked up by oikees themselves as they are self-organized formats like oiConnect or oikos Squads and meant to foster connection and learning by becoming an active part of the oikos community.
Curious to get in touch with fellow oikees?
Explore our most important community formats below.
Chapter pathways - accompanying chapters throughout the year
The chapter pathways initiative has been created to accompany (y)our chapter’s development and provide a frame throughout the year. The chapter pathway initiative is an opportunity for our chapters to receive support as they practice and reflect on their leadership and development at the local level.
We focus on the local chapter leaders and their teams.
There are 4 core elements to the chapter pathways initiative throughout the year:
oikos orientation calls
New term, new members, new beginnings! This call is about coming together, welcoming new faces, learning about opportunities from oikos International and charging our batteries for the next adventures. Orientation calls take place twice a year in Spring & Autumn.
Houses are peer group among chapters. Each house is a unique composition of 4-6 oikos chapters that meets regulalry to connect, exchange and learn from each other! The regular calls are coordinated by so-called house facilitators which are volunteers at oikos International. Chapters are contacted by their house facilitators and should keep a close eye on their email inboxes at all time.
Chapter check-ins
It is fundamental to stay in close touch with our community - and to support each chapter individually, listening and responding to their local needs. Next to an invitation to frequently communicate with the oikos International team, we invite chapters twice a year for 1-on-1 check ins with one of our board members. The 30 min calls listen into the future projects, perspectives and needs of our community and help us to sharpen our international initiatives.
Community reflection calls
At the end of each calendar year (mid-December), oikos International host a community reflection call to bring the whole community together in celebration of our shared journeys and achievements to close the year together.
Fostering community connection - onsite & online
Beyond the chapter pathways formats that are meant to accompany active chapters, there a several platforms more focused on fostering the international community and mostly open to any oikee, new and old.
The International Chapter Conference (ICC) is an annual on-site conference, hosted and developed by one or a small group of local chapters. Any chapter can volunteer to host an ICC by either opening up an existing chapter event (e.g. conference, sustainability week etc.) to the international oikos community or by creating an event from scratch. oikos International supports the chapter team and contributes to the program with community-building activities that help the participants to connect and get inspired for the opportunities within the network. Learn more about our ICCs here
oiConnects are local pop-up-events open to the whole community that can be hosted wherever oikees (both active & alumni) are based. The idea is to enable the community to self-organize. oiConnects can easily take place anywhere where the oikos community wants to come together. They can take different shapes and sizes, depending on individual needs and preferences of the hosts and participants. An oiConnect can be everything from casual drinks in a bar to a more extensive networking event. They are promoted and supported by oikos International using our communication channels. oiConnects will be initiated by oiConnectors: individuals or a group of people, active oikees and/or alumni, who feel like hosting a networking event for one time or frequently.
Regional Meetings
Chapters are encouraged to organize cross-chapter meetings in their region and invite fellow oikees to them. In the past, we regularly would have oikos Asia, Francophone or DACH meetings. oikos International is happy to support with connecting chapters with each other and communicating about these self-organized events. Reach out to board@oikos-international.org for any support you may need.
oikos AGORA
Gathering as a community is a practice that is as old as humanity itself. Imagine living in old Greece in an urban community. Every week, the whole village came together to the central square to exchange, discuss and learn from each other. This space was called AGORA. How would an AGORA look today? oikos AGORA is our brand for virtual gatherings open to the oikos community. Stay informed on our event page for the next AGORAs to happen.
International Chat – Discord
We use Discord as our community chatroom. It works very similar to Slack or WhatsApp and is structured into servers and channels for different topics. Through our oikos Toolbox Wiki (oiKosmos), community members will get access to Discord easily.

Sophie Charrois
oikos International President 2021/22

oikos squads - engage and exchange further
Squads are focus groups where the community and friends meet to organize & learn together around an interest or need they share, beyond the boundaries of their chapters. This can reach from more oikos-related topics (e.g. member recruitment) to personal interests (e.g. sustainable finance) and themes people want to work on supported by peers (e.g. mental health).
Squads are self-organized, that means they find their own shapes and often run their activities very independently from other oikos initiatives.
our community team
Antonia Pohlmann
Board Member 23/24
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Antonia Pohlmann
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Enthusiastic, energetic, reliable
Favourite motivation or inspiration quote:
Gib jedem Tag die Chance, der beste deines Lebens zu werden! / Give everyday the chance to become the best day of your life.
Fun fact:
I used to be a unicycling instructor 😉
Favourite free time activities:
Sooo many things 😉 I love skiing, doing yoga, playing board games, travel the world, give and receive good hugs, pick strawberries, bake cakes, do picknicks, swim in cold lakes, make music (I play the bassoon), act in a theatre group, try out exotic food and so much more 😉
Lauriane Dietrichs
Alumni Volunteer (former Board Member 2022-23)
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Lauriane Dietrichs
Describe yourself in 3 words:
passionate – caring – enthusiastic
Favourite motivation or inspiration quote:
FR= “J’ai souffert souvent, je me suis trompé quelquefois, mais j’ai aimé. C’est moi qui ai vécu, et non pas un être factice créé par mon orgueil et mon ennui.” / EN= “I suffered often, I was sometimes mistaken, but I loved. I lived, not some being fabricated from my pride and my boredom. – Alfred de Musset
Fun fact:
You might not guess it from my picture, but I used to sing in a hard rock band in high school!
Favourite free time activities:Â
music, yoga & traveling!
Darija Miletic
Alumni Volunteer (former Co-President, 2021-23)
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