oikos is a dynamic place that welcomes students from all walks of life. As a student’s university life inevitably comes to an end, so should their time as active oikos member. But for many of our former members, the bond they create with the organization and fellow oikees is too strong to be merely forgotten. oikos Alumni take part in our international activities as participants and speakers. Often, they get together in the informal setting to discuss their favorite topic of sustainability and reminisce about their time at oikos.
Recently, oikos alumni met in Brussels on December 3rd, in Zurich on November 23th, in Vienna on November 20th and in Basel on November 11th.
If you are one of our alumni and want to reconnect with our community, get in touch with Benoit Pitsaer, oikos Vice President responsible for alumni at benoit.pitsaer@oikos-international.org or alumni@oikos-international.org
Keep an eye on alumni developments here