From 22 to 23 March 2017 oikos LEAP Intermediate took place in Hamburg, Germany. The event welcomed 32 oikos chapter presidents and international executive board (EB) members in order to discuss chapter development and strengthen presidents’ leadership skills.
oikos International is a member-led organization and the presidents along with EBs play key role in the organization’s decision making process and represent a crucial force behind its success, both at an international and chapter level. For this reason LEAP Intermediate devoted special attention to the development of the presidents’ leadership skills and spared no effort to make them comprehend the importance of their position and work. The presidents were briefed on the organization’s history, mission and strategy and were encouraged to contribute to oikos governance discussions.
oikos LEAP Intermediate presented an opportunity for the presidents and EBs to identify and map project action areas, share project ideas and facilitate cross-chapter initiatives for the year ahead. Moreover, the presidents participated in parallel workshops that covered multiple important areas: marketing, IT/intranet, impact measurements, chapter strategy sessions, alumni management.
At the end of the event the participants gathered for Legislative Meeting. The meeting voted in favor of Edmonton Chapter and New York Chapter to be elected as full chapters and confirmed Levan Pangani’s second year presidency.
oikos LEAP Intermediate proved one of the most important events for oikos, since it brought together the organization’s fervent members, facilitated exchange of major ideas and was marked with the enlargement of the organization.