oikos chapter presidents and chapter leaders, as well as the oikos International Executive Board (EB) members and management team came together in Barcelona, Spain from March 7 to 8, 2018 in order to share their expertise and experience, reflect on current projects and discuss future plans.
The oikos EB presented the oikos strategy 2018-2020, while the presidents and chapter leaders shared their perspectives and analysed their own chapters’ role in achieving the strategy. They emphasized the importance of cooperation between students from different cultures and development of change agents for curriculum change.
oikos Trustee, Mark Wade moderated a session on oikos Aspirations. The participants shared why they joined oikos and how they contribute to the organization with their experience, knowledge and activities. Mark Wade explained the significance of passion and structure in advocating for a change. “We need a deeper motivation and understanding of why we want to change the world and make it into reality. But those will evaporate unless there are structure and rules. When we bring together the passion and rules real impact happens”- Mark noted.
In addition, the participants received detailed information on oikos International programs and current openings for our chapters, as well as the members and alumni. The chapter representatives also mapped their local projects, discussed challenges they need to overcome to bring their ideas to life and sought for channels for developing cross-chapter initiatives.
After long sessions the participants felt “Motivated, Inspired, Driven, Empowered, Integrated, Thoughtful, Overwhelmed, Reflected, Full of ideas, Tired, Amazed, and Impatient”, in that demonstrating their motivation and eagerness to further contribute to our shared vision of economics and management education purposed for a sustainable world.