Almost a month has passed since the oikos FutureLab 2016. High time to trace back their actions since the FutureLab. Learn more about their plans and how you can get in touch.
Finance LC
The Finance Learning Circle was small, but full of ideas. The participants shared their ideas and plans for Chapter projects, discussed the feasibility and made commitments. Projects include promoting a solar rooftop on the university’s buildings by presenting financing possibilities; fighting online loan sharks by creating awareness for the downside of lax legislation; debating the plans to abolish cash; and many more. If you are interested in joining the debate and share learning experiences, join the Podio Workspace or contact adrian.jagow@oikos-international.org.
Fashion | Supply Chain LC
The interest in the Fashion Learning Circle was immense. With so many people interested, the preconditions are great to jointly create projects. Here, too, a workspace on Podio exists that you can join. A good venue to reconvene some LC members will be the oikos Winter School in Witten/Herdecke on the topic “You call it Eco, we call it common sense – Sustainability in the Fashion Industry”. You can apply now under: http://www.oikos-winterschool.org/.
Participatory Learning LC
Smaller than expected, but with a lot of energy, the Participatory Learning LC led by the organization COMMIT used the time at the FutureLab to enact some alternative learning techniques and reflect on their use. Most importantly, COMMIT continued on their journey to gather knowledge about students’ perception of current learning styles. By asking questions like
- “What does your dream university look like?
- What bugs you in your current education, what are you missing?
- If you had the chance to talk to your dean about changes/improvements, what would you tell him/her?”
the LC explored real scenarios to implement curriculum change at universities and business schools.
In general COMMIT wants to move forward by facilitating workshops for faculty and students at universities while also training them to do the facilitation themselves in order to spread the concept more broadly. If you would like to join the process, get in touch with Julia Weber, Anna Beyer and the team of COMMIT at info@commitnow.org.
Energy LC
The Energy Learning Circle chose to discuss the topic “Sustainable Housing for the Indian Poor”, involving initiatives like Pollinate Energy that bring solar powered electricity and lighting into households that are not connected to the grid. If you want to get involved, visit the LC’s Podio Workspace, their Facebook Group or write to the LC manager Ben or Shyam on the Podio Intranet.
Entrepreneurship LC
Updates follow soon! Meanwhile, get in touch with the LC managers Harshal and Prudhvi through the Podio intranet.
Economics LC
Updates follow soon! You can reach the LC managers at lc.economics@oikos-international.org.