We’re delighted to invite you to a webinar series by oikos Tbilisi!
The objective of the Webinars is to gather students interested in sustainable development, particularly climate change to underline the importance of the topic for economics, to discuss Georgia’s Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan and to work on a sustainable Business Case. The webinar sessions are going to be held via ZOOM on 5, 6 and 8th of May, 2021, 18:00-20:00 Tbilisi time on all three days. The event will be hosted by oikos Tbilisi and Michael Lüken (ISET – International School of Economics at Tbilisi
State University). The webinar is a contribution to the project “Developing capacities for climate policy in Southeast & Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia”, financed by German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) and implemented by GIZ.
Goals of the Webinars
• Raising awareness about climate change locally and regionally
• Improving analytical and logical thinking and research skills
• Working on real business case and find the solution which can be implemented in real life perspective
• Improving team working and sharing experiences
• Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about the role of corporations, small businesses and startups, governments and non-governmental organizations from a climate change perspective.
To reach above mentioned goals the webinar sessions offer a broad variety of activities. During the interview session and interactive lectures participants will have an opportunity to involve, ask questions and think about the implementation of the best practices in businesses or everyday life. On the other hand they will focus on the particular business case and work on it in small break-out groups with other participants.
Day 1 – Wednesday May 5th
The day will focus on the general idea of climate change in its relation to economics and whether it really affects us. We will have an interview session with climate change expert, professor Michael Lueken will share how climate change influences economics.
Day 2 – Thursday May 6th
This day will focus on the Georgian climate targets and whether the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (CSAP) is necessary for us. With invited experts from different sectors we will discuss the challenges and opportunities of CSAP.
Day 3 – Saturday May 8th
On the third day our participants will have the opportunity to use the knowledge of climate change, solve the business case and help it to implement sustainable actions in their strategy. The best contributions will be awarded with a prize.