“The idea of sustainability is such a broad topic that it can be intimidating to the newcomer. There are many businesses and organizations around Edmonton which hold ideals of sustainability close to their hearts, but for those unfamiliar with the language and the local landscape, it can be hard to tell how to get involved.
Our purpose with this speaker series is to introduce students to some of the many sustainability initiatives that are already making waves in our community. It is our hope that the speakers will broaden the students’ concept of what sustainability means, and show them ways that they can begin to engage with the local sustainability community themselves.
Thank you Danny Turner for providing us with your insight on local economies, and the impact of consumer choices on the lives of small independent farmers and their communities. By buying from farmers through the Organic Box and farmer’s markets, they receive a greater share of the profits generated by the sale of their produce. With more disposable income, the more they have to spend and invest in their own communities.” – oikos Edmonton, Canada