The Positive Impact Rating is the first student-led rating of business schools which measures how business schools contribute to solving societal challenges.
The 2021 Edition of the PIR saw students from 47 schools, located in four continents and 21 countries participate in the survey. Last year the number of student participants more than tripled and for the first time, business schools reached the top Level 5 (“Pioneering” schools).
In today’s socially and environmentally conscious societies, business school rankings are increasingly seen as out of touch and distanced from societal developments and sustainability issues. The PIR, a rating “by students and for students”, reaches out to students to assess their own business schools on how they perceive them positively impacting the world.
Students globally have used the Positive Impact Rating for different purposes. Read some of their stories on why they joined and how the PIR helped them achieve their objectives here.
What do you need to do to participate?
- Be committed to coordinate the PIR assessment and survey data collection in your school.
- Connect with us to see how you can get your Schools involved. The PIR team will support you in reaching out to staff and in advocating for the PIR in your University/Schools staff.
To involve your school in the PIR 2021 Edition, visit www.positiveimpactrating.org or email info@positiveimpactrating.org for more information.