Out of the six oikos Learning Circles we today present two updates on the Economics and Participatory Learning’s plans.
The oikos Economics Learnings Circle wants to increase the participant’s awareness of different topics in the field of (sustainable) economics. After a general critic about common economics at the last meeting we now want to continue with alternative ideas of economics. The idea is to have a look at approaches of feminist economics as well as ‘common good economy’ (Gemeinwohlökonomie). In particular, we’d like to deal with growth criticism, the measurement of the society’s performance (including unpaid work) and cultural aspects like lifestyle. If you are interested in these topics, we (Hannah and Frank) are happy to welcome you to the Economics LC. So, if you are fast you have the chance to co-design the LC. Furthermore, we would like to strengthen the exchange between members of the LC to guarantee the LC’s continuity. Therefore, we are looking for people who like to revive discussion in the facebook group.
The Participatory Learning Circle aims at letting students and faculty members experience another kind of education. At the 2014 FutureLab the initiative COMMIT (Change of Management-education and Methods in Teaching) was born out of this Learning Circle. COMMIT works towards following vision: institutions that provide the space and learning environment to enable students to follow their passion, develop their own ideas. Currently the COMMIT-team is working on the oikos Summer School in Tbilisi on the topic “Education for a Better World”.
The sessions at the FL are designed to be bottom-up. The goal is to prove that students are able to facilitate learning sessions and thus the relationship between faculty members and students need to change. So most of the action will be done by the participants and the managers will just give some guidance and feedback. We look forward to find out what we’re capable of by ourself and in a team! You can find out more about here: http://www.commitnow.org.
Photo retrieved from http://www.learningcircles.eu/en/