We are proud to announce the winners of the oikos Case Writing Competition. We would like to thank all the participants for their outstanding case submissions and congratulate the winners.
The winning cases are published online in our oikos free case collection and are available for faculty members and students interested in organizing a case competition at their local universities.
The first prize was awarded to Prof. Madeleine Pullman, Prof. Jacen Greene, Prof. Wanying Shi, and Stephen Kaplan of Portland State University, USA, for the case “B-Line Sustainable Urban Delivery: Can Last-Mile Bicycle Delivery Survive The E-Commerce Minefield?”.
The second prize went to Chiara De Bernardi, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart – Milano, Italy, and Prof. Daniel Arenas Vives, ESADE Business School, Spain, for their work on “Authenticitys: who said unicorns are legendary?”
The third prize was awarded to Indu Perepu, ICFAI Business School, India, for the case “Sistema Biobolsa: Addressing Challenges of Climate Change, Sustainable Agriculture and Waste Management in Mexico.”
We also would like to take the opportunity and thank our outstanding Case Faculty Jury: Gabriel Berger, Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina; Timo Busch, University of Hamburg, Germany; Angelo A. Camillo, Sonoma State University, United States; Alfred Vernis Domènech, ESADE, Spain; Jörg Hofstetter, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland; Ewald Kibler, Aalto University, Finland; Martin Kupp, ESCP Europe, France; Saurabh Lall, University of Oregon, United States; Moritz Loock, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland; Ioannis Oikonomou, University of Reading, United Kingdom; Carlos Romero Uscanga, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Mexico.
Our thank you also goes to the Case Students Jury, who revealed the winners amongst 10 finalists: Nurlan Jahangirli, oikos Baku alumnus, University of Hamburg; Hugo Leung, oikos Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Amar Pandey, oikos Lille, EDHEC Business School; Stefano Ramelli, former oikos PhD fellow, University of Zurich; Magdalena Rusch, oikos Graz, University of Graz.
Finally, we would like to thank Dominika Czyż for running the competition.
Learn more about our winners:
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[thumbpopup popupid=”Pullman” src=”https://oikos-international.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Mellie-Pullman-e1572472957664.png” labelone=”Prof. Madeleine Pullman” labeltwo = “1st prize” labelthree=”Portland State University”]
Professor Mellie Pullman currently works at Portland State University. Since 1993, she had held previous appointments at Cornell University (School of Hospitality), London Business School, Colorado State University, Southern Methodist University, University of Utah and is currently visiting at Cardiff University in Wales. Professor Pullman’s major research interests include sustainability and supply chain management, food and beverage supply chains, and experiential service design. Currently, she is researching social enterprise supply chains in food and beverage businesses, sustainability competitive dynamics, and small producer food supply chains. She works with many regional sustainability-focused food and beverage producers, distributors, and retailers. In addition to authoring books on Craft Beverage Business Management, Food Supply Chain Management, Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Restaurant Design, and Service Operations, her articles have appeared in multiple journals and periodicals.
[thumbpopup popupid=”Greene” src=”https://oikos-international.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Jacen-Greene.jpg” labelone=”Prof. Jacen Greene” labeltwo = “1st prize” labelthree=”Portland State University”]
Jacen Greene is the assistant director of PSU’s Homelessness Research and Action Collaborative, a multidisciplinary center of excellence dedicated to addressing issues related to homelessness. He previously managed social innovation programs in PSU’s School of Business and is an instructor, author, and speaker on social entrepreneurship. Jacen’s books include The Rule of One: The Power of Social Intrapreneurship and Elevating Impact: Case Studies in Sustainable Business and Social Entrepreneurship. His case studies have won the 0ikos Competition and been used by more than 3500 students and faculty around the world. He has presented or led workshops for Mercy Corps, the Fulbright Program, AmeriCorps, Net Impact Conference (2011), GoGreen PDX (2012), VentureWell OPEN (2016, 2019), Ashoka U Exchange (2014, 2016–2019), and Social Enterprise World Forum (2018), among many others. Jacen graduated Beta Gamma Sigma with an MBA in sustainability from Portland State University and magna cum laude with a B.A. in China Studies from Willamette University. He has worked or taught in Uganda, India, China, Cambodia, Honduras, and Nicaragua.
[thumbpopup popupid=”Shi” src=”https://oikos-international.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Wanying-Shi-e1572472879428.png” labelone=”Prof. Wanying Shi” labeltwo = “1st prize” labelthree=”Portland State University”]
Dr. Wanying Shi earned her Ph.D. in Engineering Management from Western New England University (Massachusetts, USA) in 2016. Her research interests include operations management, quantitative decision making, supply chain management, and data mining. She is a visiting professor with The School of Business at Portland State University in Portland, OR, USA. Dr. Shi’s most recent industry position was a logistics team lead with Specialty Bolt and Screw, Inc. to optimize the company’s global logistics operations and improve operations efficiency. She has been invited to become a faculty member of the Portland State University Chapter of the Omega Rho International Honor Society. She serves as a reviewer for journals and academic conferences such as IEEE Access, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, and Western Decision Sciences Institute- 49th Annual Meeting. She is currently serving on the Editorial Review Board for IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
[thumbpopup popupid=”Kaplan” src=”https://oikos-international.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Stephen-Kaplan-e1572472821373.jpeg” labelone=”Stephen Kaplan” labeltwo = “1st prize” labelthree=”Portland State University”]
Stephen Kaplan studied at Portland State University earning Summa Cum Laude for his BS in Management and Leadership and also earned his Masters Degree in Global Supply Chain Management. He currently works as a Supply Chain Analyst in Vancouver Washington and aims to bring increased sustainability and efficiency to developing supply chains.
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[thumbpopup popupid=”Chiara” src=”https://oikos-international.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Picture_-Chiara-de-Bernardi-e1571765263487.jpg” labelone=”Chiara De Bernardi” labeltwo = “2nd prize” labelthree=”Catholic University of the Sacred Heart”]
Chiara De Bernardi is a PhD candidate in Management at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Universita` Cattolica del Sacro Cuore). Her research interests are the relation between environmental aspects and entrepreneurial actions, and the impact of sustainability in the tourism industry.
[thumbpopup popupid=”Arenas” src=”https://oikos-international.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Daniel-Arenas_2.png” labelone=”Daniel Arenas” labeltwo = “2nd prize” labelthree=”ESADE Business School – Universitat Ramon Llull”]
Daniel Arenas is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability at ESADE Business School-Universitat Ramon Llull and a member of the Institute for Social Innovation. He holds a PhD and a MA from the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago, a Degree in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona and a Diploma from the Program of Executive Development at ESADE. He teaches courses on Sociology, Business & Society, Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. His research interests focus on the relationships between firms and secondary stakeholders, such as communities, NGOs and activists. His work has been published in journals such as Organization Studies, Business Ethics Quarterly, Business Horizons, Business & Society, Organization & Environment, and Journal of Business Ethics. He is the author of the case “Roba Amiga: Social Entrepreneurship in Textile Waste Management”, which was a finalist in the oikos case writing competition in 2015.
[thumbpopup popupid=”Perepu” src=”https://oikos-international.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Indu-Perepu-e1572970773950.png” labelone=”Indu Perepu” labeltwo = “3rd prize” labelthree=”ICFAI Business School”]
Indu Perepu is an acclaimed case author associated with the Case Research Center at ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad, India. She has written extensively on subjects like Microfinance, Bottom of the Pyramid consumers, Women Empowerment, Social Entrepreneurship, and Social Initiatives to name a few. Cases authored by her won many awards and competitions including the oikos Case Writing Competition. Her cases regularly feature on the Best-Selling the Classic Cases lists of the Case Centre. Indu brings along experience from a wide array of industries including logistics, Banking, and Financial Services, and consultancy. As an executive development facilitator, she rolled out several participant-centric learning processes through ideation, content creation and training. She provided advisory and technical assistance to “Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration” a Government of India Initiative, in 2011. The awards recognize and acknowledge innovative, scalable and replicable initiatives in addressing social and economic issues.