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oikos Alumni Gathering Call

We are hosting an online Alumni Gathering call on June 14th and we’re inviting you to join us and reconnect with the oikos Alumni Community!

This space is all about sharing each other’s oikos stories and revisiting some of the fondest moments of your time as student engaging within your local chapter and our international oikos Community.

It is also a great opportunity for soon-to-be Alumni – if your oikos journey has recently drawn to an end or is going to in the near future, we invite you to join and learn about the exciting opportunities that await you as well as the new events and programs for the Alumni Community.

Your oikos story doesn’t have to end with your graduation, so join us as the new generation of oikos Alumni takes shape with the new opportunities for networking and future engagement it creates!

When: 14 June 2024, 1:00 pm CET | 4:30 pm IST | 7:00 pm HKT | 7:00 am ET

Click here to register via Zoom.