There are now only three days left until the LEAP Researchers Coaches and Participants Application Deadline for the 2024 cohort ends!
Thursday, 29 February is the last day to submit your application, so if you’re interested make sure to do it in time.
Call for Coaches | More info | Apply now
Apply to become a volunteer coach supporting the participants as part of this year’s cohort. As a pro bono coach, you’ll have an important role in supporting participants throughout the 8-month-long program, kicking off on March 27th and 28th. The program focuses on leadership skills and enables Early Career Researchers to become regenerative leaders through carefully thought-out practices and activities equipping them with the necessary set of skills and knowledge that supports their personal development.
Call for Participants | More Info | Apply now
LEAP Researchers is part of our flagship Leadership initiative LEAP and is aiming to combat the skill set development gap that is present in the workforce due to current global challenges including social, economic, and ecological issues by shaping a new style of responsible leader who has the skills to lead more holistically. The programme is aimed at Masters students, Ph.D. students, or postdoctoral researchers who address sustainability challenges in their research and/or teaching and have a high motivation to develop personally and professionally. Furthermore, this opportunity aims to seek out individuals with the intrinsic motivation to improve their own understanding of creativity and pedagogy toward the overall pursuit of sustainable development.
2024 cohort of LEAP Researchers is a collaboration between PRME and oikos, created around the PRMEi5 framework. Every participant who successfully completes the program will receive the LEAP Researchers Certificate, in collaboration with PRME and the Impactful Five (i5) project. LEAP Researchers Coaches and Participants Application Deadline are both open until the end of the day on 29 February.