It’s been a week since we embarked on our journey of bringing the Copernican Revolution to Higher Education. The Higher Education Summit may be over, but it was only the first step that we took collectively, paving the way for future efforts in shaping both curricula as well as mindsets of students and faculty around the world.
For starters, we would like to shine the spotlights on the incredible contributors – from the amazing student projects and the cases submitted , we explored the potential of student-led assessments and got to see the surprisingly more radical side of leading experts with their stances on putting into motion the Copernican Revolution in Higher Education..
You may have found yourself deeply engaged in some of the topics discussed, you may feel the need to go back to one of the speakers’ sessions that especially left a strong impression on you or you simply missed out on a session. We have recorded all of the sessions from the Higher Education Summit, and they are either already up on our website or will be added in the coming days. Find the full sessions on our Youtube channel.
We would also like to hear from our participants – What is your opinion on the Higher Education Summit? This is a learning experience for us as much as it was for you, which is why we would like to know – Why did you join? but also what held you back from it?? What kept you interested and when did you tap out? We are curious to learn and become better at creating heartfelt, transformative online learning spaces. For that we need you! Your opinion is a beautiful gift. You can provide it here (no more than 5 minutes needed!).
As we move forward into the revolution 🎯, we would like to extend an invitation for future collaborations. Let us invite each other and keep co-creating those special spaces for growth and learning from and with each other. Momentum is here! Let us all be 1% more courageous and bold each day!
We look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you in future endeavors and continuing this transformative journey together. Interested? Send us an email!