Transforming Education Squad Semester Kick-off Call
On 30th March 2023, the Transforming Education Squad held a “Semester Kick-off Call “that brought together 9 oikees from 4 different oikos chapters. The agenda of the meeting included a check-in, an overview of the purpose and mission of the TE Squad, a session by Sophie Charrios on “Transforming Education – Why you have all you need to change your school & how to find allies on the way“, and a checkout session with harvesting our learnings.
oikees from Barcelona, Vienna, Graz, Warsaw and Kano chapters
The meeting began with a check-in, where each participant had the opportunity to introduce themselves and share what brought them to the Transforming Education Squad meet up. The attendees came from diverse backgrounds and had different levels of experience with sustainable education, but they all shared a common passion for creating a more sustainable future through education.
After the check-in, Navya Shivaprakash shared the purpose and mission of the Transforming Education Squad to the members. The purpose of the group is to create a collaborative community of like minded oikees who are passionate about sustainability and transforming education. The mission of the group is to empower oikees and the chapters by providing a safe and supportive space for peer-peer learning, sharing best practices and access to resources that support integration of sustainability into education.
The group then moved on to a reflection session from Sophie Charrios, oikos International. where participants were asked to reflect on 3 important statements:
- Good reasons Not to embark on transforming your own education to reflect and learn to shake off negative connotations, open up to possibility
- Where to start? A round of Rob Hopkins “yes and” to learn that change can happen very fast! > once you have the right teams & allies, it can actually go within 1 semester to implement a new course!
- What are good questions to ask for inviting your fellow students, professors, university faculty, local government, local businesses, into the important work of transforming your own education
Miro board activity on “Good reasons Not to embark on transforming your own education.”
During the session, the squad members had silent conversations that helped to deepen the conversation and provided an opportunity to reflect, seek solutions, share insights, and learn from each other’s experiences.
Finally, the meeting ended with a checkout, where each participant had the opportunity to share what they had learnt and any key takeaways from the meeting. Some of the key takeaways that we harvested are community support, inspiring sessions, continuous effort, like-minded people, persistence towards our goal.
Overall, the Transforming Education Squad meet up was a valuable experience for all attendees. The meeting provided an opportunity for oikees from different chapters to connect, share their experiences, and work together towards creating a more sustainable future through education.
Reflection and silent conversation session hosted by Sophie Charrios, oikos International.
The next TE Squad call is taking place on Thursday 27 April at 4pm CEST which is going to explore deeper a whole new topic! Stay tuned for more information.
Get in touch with the TE Squad via email or fill this form if you wish to join the squad!