oikos members and alumni came together on June 6 to attend our webinar on Cross Cultural Management. The aim of the webinar was to reflect on the role of culture in the day-to-day interactions and enable participants to share their own diverse cultural experiences.
The webinar was led by Saurav Kumar Das, former oikos Jamshedpur President and current Alumni Ambassador in India, who introduced different theories of cross-cultural communication to the participants. In the break-out sessions, the participants were able to discuss applications of these theories to the real environment considering their personal experiences.
Furthermore, the webinar included a game of kahoot to energize the participants before the presentation and discussions, as well as a reflection session to share the attendees’ thoughts on the webinar.
oikos is the organization that brings together young people from lots of different cultural backgrounds and the webinar too gathered people from 3 continents and 7 countries. As one of the participants remarked “oikos is one of the best ways to get familiar with intercultural management”.
The webinar was organized jointly by oikos leadership program LEAP and Knowledge Exchange Expedition (KEE)
To learn more about Cross Cultural Management and what oikos’ perspective and experience in the field is read an article on the topic here