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we are oikos.

How do we want to live, lead and learn together for a thriving, sustainable tomorrow?

Our community of student change agents works towards transforming management & economics education for sustainability. We are walking the talk since 1987.

our story

meet our

At oikos, we have been coming together as a global community of student change agents for over 30 years.

In over 20 countries and 40 cities worldwide, we organize on campus to raise awareness for sustainability and transform our own education.

As we work towards the change we want to see in the world in our particular contexts, we explore and practice the leadership our world needs in the 21st century.

what's going on right now

latest news.


upcoming events.

what we do

our initiatives.

Our international initiatives aim to support the change we want to see in the world by empowering and encouraging student change agents and actively creating shifts in the way curricula are structured and developed.

Our focus is on economics and management education, including multiple transdisciplinary perspectives and learning approaches. This links back to our central question on how we want to learn, lead and live together.

For over 30 years we have been continuously innovating with formats that provide platforms for learning, creating and sharing solutions: social labs, conferences, webinars, workshops, simulation games, learning journeys are just some examples.

living - community in action
Together we get further

Our community makes us stronger! Together with youth from across the globe, we foster a vivid, intercultural support network. Learn more about the spaces where we host each other & how we accompany the journeys of our local groups, the oikos Chapters.
leading - conscious leadership
A LEAP for a new era of leadership

Our leadership initiatives equip students & their allies with what they need to facilitate change in their local environment. LEAP equips participants with knowledge, tools, capacities, and the mindset to become conscious, collaborative leaders who move society towards sustainability and the well-being of people and planet.
learning - transforming education
Change happens where we are – in our universities

To support youth in becoming sustainability leaders, education has to enable students to have a better understanding of themselves, their fellow humans and the world. The curriculum as a tangible structure is a good place to start removing obstacles and designing more human-centred, sustainable spaces.
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we are a community

join our community.

Practice sustainable development on campus and together with an international community of student change agents.

Opening an oikos chapter enables you to connect to a network of like-minded people from all over the globe and gives you access to all opportunities, programs and materials developed by oikos International.

Get inspired and leverage your impact in your university ecosystem through oikos!