What is the Alumni Global Contest?
It’s a global, inclusive and collaborative contest where every member of our community can participate and create a vision of the alumni network.
Upload your vision for the network and let the oikos community decide on the winners.
oikos will cover FutureLab participation fee for the winners of the competition.
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Also check our oikos Alumni Facebook & Linkedin group
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Register a personal call with Benoît, oikos VP of alumni network, to get more info!
Background information
oikos has a long (hi)story: it’s 32 years old now. Throughout the years, oikos has changed a lot, and even more recently. Last year, the previous oikos board decided to questions the status quo and rethink our governance model.
As a result (to spare you the details and hours of work), we updated our constitution and governance. The novelty of the new model lies with where and how we interact with our community.
How we include our community?
We launched something close to what is known in the agility language as “Squad”. In oikos, we decided to call them “Working Groups”. What’s known as the Agility “Squad Lead” is here rather the “Working Group Facilitator”, a role currently assigned to a board member, but we aspire to the community to take that role in the close future.
As alumni, how do I benefit today from the new governance model?
There are two ways:
First, we are now more organized around the Working Groups. So is the Alumni one. Click here to know more about it.
Second, more importantly, we have launched the Alumni Global Contest: design the alumni network of your dreams!