Open Lecture at the University of St. Gallen
Youth and Society – How Youth Work facilitates Active Citizenship for Sustainability
Date: 11th of October, 2017
Time: 10:15 – 12:00
Location: University of St. Gallen, Dufourstrasse 50, 9000 St. Gallen
Room: Main Building, Hörsaal, 01-012
Young leaders in sustainability come together in St. Gallen
– for 30 years and counting
For 30 years, the student organisation oikos has been working towards more sustainable economic practices on and off university campuses. The organisation was founded at the University of St. Gallen in 1987 and has since then grown into an international network of 42 committed chapters, with 1200 active members. To celebrate the milestone of existing for three decades oikos is bringing together members of the community (active ones, as well as alumni and partners) for a series of events in the second week of October. The 30 year celebrations include the FutureLab, the annual international conference of the network (12th October), the oikos Conference on Sustainable Investment, organised by the St. Gallen chapter (13th October) and finally an Alumni Day (14th October).
Before the celebrations kick off a smaller, particularly committed group of oikos members comes together as part of the organisation’s leadership development project. LEAP is a participant-driven personal development program, designed to inspire young leaders to become more responsible in their decision-making and to equip them with the insights, knowledge and tools do so. Using methodologies of exploring, sharing-practicing and reflecting, it consists of five webinars with renown responsible leadership experts, such as Prof. Robert E. Quinn from the University of Michigan, seven peer-to-peer calls, six one-on-one coaching sessions, three written reflections and two on-site meetings over a period of nine months. The first of these two meetings will take place from the 7th to 11th October in Kreuzlingen, as a five day long workshop. Sponsored by Movetia, the LEAP Meeting will support the oikos members to refine the strategy of their chapters and develop essential leadership skills, such as active listening.
The meeting culminates in an open lecture at the University of St. Gallen, entitled Youth and Society – How Youth Work facilitates Active Citizenship for Sustainability. As a network leader in youth engagement for sustainability, oikos brings together organizations with a similar vision, including rootAbility, GRLI and National Union of Students – UK, to open up a conversation about the role of youth work in society at large. oikos formally invites members of the public to attend this lecture and join in in the discussion. It will take place 11th October 2017 at 10.15 at the University of St. Gallen (Main Building, Hörsaal, 01-012).
Moderator & Panelists:
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[thumbpopup popupid=”Taylor” src=”” labelone=” Chris Taylor” labeltwo=” ” labelthree=”GRLI/Oasis Foundation”]
Chris Taylor is Director of the Oasis Foundation, a UK charity dedicated to radical social change. He is passionate about building a more sustainable and just world.
Having spent that past decade learning the art of intensive group processes and deep personal transformation, Chris has developed a unique approach to supporting change. This involves working with individuals and organisations to find purpose, create energy, and release potential.
Chris brings this intuitive and impactful approach to his work with groups and to one-to-one development. People describe his approach as “transformative”, “seeing beyond the surface and pressing all the right buttons”, even “subtle shamanism”.
In the UK Chris has worked with business on sustainability, helped develop capacity in a wide range of voluntary organisations and his mentored numerous current and future leaders. He also designs and facilitates programmes for social and environmental activists. Internationally he has mentored young change-makers in management education and held workshops in China, Europe and the US.
Prior to working with Oasis, Chris had over fifteen years in management, including five years at Director level. He also has extensive experience in the voluntary and community sector, both as a campaigns organiser and as a Director of several successful social enterprises.
Chris is married with three adult children. He is a music-lover, has been learning tai chi for nearly twenty years and is honing his skills as a performance poet.
[thumbpopup popupid=”Runkle” src=”” labelone=” Quinn Runkle” labeltwo=”Education for sustainable development programme manager” labelthree=”National Union of Students UK”] Quinn Runkle is the Education for Sustainable Development Programme Manager at the National Union of Students (UK). She leads NUS’ work on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and manages the Responsible Futures programme which supports universities, colleges, and students unions to embed ESD throughout the formal and informal curricula. Quinn’s experience includes managing student and staff behaviour change and engagement programmes for sustainability at the University of Bristol (UK) and the University of British Columbia (Canada). Quinn has a Bachelor of Arts in Geography and Political Science with a specialism in Environment and Sustainability from the University of British Columbia.
[thumbpopup popupid=”Strasser” src=”” labelone=” Tim Strasser” labeltwo=”Training and Workshops” labelthree=”rooAbility”] Tim Strasser is co-initiator of the first Green Office in Maastricht and involved as core team member of rootAbility to spread the Green Office Model and develop the Green Office Movement through his work as workshop facilitator and network-weaver. He studied the social and cultural dimensions of sustainability and socio-technical innovation at Maastricht University and is currently doing a PhD research on social learning processes in transformative social innovation, building on his 3 year involvement in the EU-funded TRANSIT research project. He also co-founded and engaged with multiple grass-roots and social entrepreneurship initiatives. Visit Tim on Linkedin or contact him at tim.strasser@rootAbility.com
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