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Sustainable University Day

The Sustainable University Day is the annual congress of the Sustainable Development at Universities Programme 2013-2016 (sd-universities programme). In 2015, it takes place for the second time.

Special theme:
Responsible leadership
What is the contribution of the universities?

Leaders in both the private and public sectors are facing increasing criticism from society. In the wake of the major global challenges, in particular the 2008 financial and economic crisis, a responsible leadership that is able to combine economic success with social justice and preservation of natural resources is called for.

The Sustainable University Day 2015 addresses the issue of responsible leadership in the context of the unversities’ contribution to sustainable development. It looks for options of more effectively integrating the topic into academic education and asks about expectations from the private industry.

As a hub for current research and education projects as well as for student initiatives, the Sustainable University Day fosters networks between universities as well as developing and implementing their innovative ideas.

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