One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he...
We are looking for an independent, flexible, and resourceful person who is eager to get international experience working virtually and ensure the smooth running of the oikos Curriculum Change...
COVID-19 has made life difficult for everyone, but students and young professionals around the world have had it especially hard. The coronavirus crisis has caused internships to plummet by...
With the COVID19 pandemic still present and the uncertainties it causes largely affecting any kind of activity planning by the end of the year, oikos International has decided to...
In these times when the world as we knew it has undergone instantaneous change, there is no better time to focus on changes that will make the world a...
After several months into the Corona pandemic, it is finally also time for oikos to publish an article on resilience. Or rather: on organizational resilience and from where we...
Author: John WattPositive Impact Rating Outreach Manager The Positive Impact Rating (PIR) was featured across several sessions over the past two days at the Virtual PRME Global Forum, contributing...
Author: J. Christopher Proctoroikos International Curriculum Research Manager This summer the oikos in Residence will be taking place in YOUR residence, with a series of 5 events held online...
Author: Marcelo Velosooikos International Sustainability Fellow From psychotherapy to education, Virtual Reality has become a tool applied in many fields. In fact, this technology provides the opportunity to embody, live, and...
This month oikos International welcomed two new members to the Management Team as a part of the Positive Impact Rating. John Watt and Autumn Irving-Carr will be taking the...