Corporate sustainability ratings or sustainability ratings (SRs) are applied to integrate sustainability in investment decisions. In order to evaluate the contribution to tackling sustainability challenges and in order to...
Throughout the paper the author researches current economic situation of the Near East region connecting it from one side with Middle&East Asia and from other Central&East Europe highlighting the...
oikees gathered from all over the globe at St Gallen and bonded over leadership, chapter management, sustainability and so much more! October was the month of the #oikosPM2015 and the...
Through the development of a Performance Index for Social Enterprises, the author aims at two main goals: Firstly, to help investors in their sustainability assessment of social enterprises (socially,...
In this thesis, we will see how economic growth, as it is understood today, cannot be sustained into the future. This is mainly due to environmental limits, but also...
We at oikos, like nature, are also looking forward to transitions in our family welcoming new members with open arms. So, in case you have a love for writing, strategizing or...
To some of you: welcome back to school! “By all these lovely tokens, September days are here; with summer’s best of weather, And autumn’s best of cheer”.  This Helen Hunt Jackson...
It doesn’t matter what subject you studied or took a course in, you will be realising the signals our world is giving: we must improve our leadership, behaviour and...
Thomas Edison said our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. Had he given up the first...
Abstract The case study is about the dilemma faced by Dr. Jim Yong Kim (Kim), President of the World Bank Group, related to International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) funding...