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Cases Publications

The Fair Trade Story

Case Abstract   This case traces the evolution of fair trade, from ‘charity trade’, i.e. the sale of objects produced in developing countries with little functional value to the...

Jari Cellulose S.A.

Case Abstract   It is early 2001 in Brazil and Grupo Orsa has purchased Jari Celulose. By doing so, the group has assumed US$ 415 million in debt that...

Benziger Family Winery

Case Abstract   Matt Atkinson, Ranch Manager at Benziger Family Winery, was overseeing the development of the winery’s environmental management system (EMS). Matt was working with Chris Benziger, Partner...
Dear {!Contact.Mailing_Salutation__c},   oikos recently published the call for applications for a PhD Fellowship together with the University of Zurich, Switzerland, starting in February 2016. The fellowship comprises a...