“oikos provided me with essential inputs on sustainability that I could not get from my classes at the time and I was able to get an internship in the...
“oikos was a perfect platform for me to get inspired by fellow students from around the world and learn about sustainability, leadership and innovative education practices.“
“oikos gave me the chance to work at an international level on organisational issues, and share perspectives on sustainability with people from all over the world.“
“The community of oikees has provided me with infinite inspiration and energy since I joined oikos. I am still very excited to be involved in the organization as an...
“Many of the experiences I had through oikos have helped me along the way and continue to do so. I often feel that might be the biggest strength of...
“My journey with oikos has been a momentous one and has helped me become a better individual in both personal and professional domains. In essence, the experience that I’ve...