By Guillermo Casasnovas, PhD Candidate, University of Oxford and Bogdan Prokopovych, Assistant Professor, University of Rhode Island. Hybrid ventures are organizations that combine conflicting goals and missions, adopt contradictory practices, and...
“Youngsters meet old hands” Prague former members met with actual team and toasted 15th anniversary. We recalled our past, presence and future, all three accompanied by tonnes of...
Apply to be a Student Reporter at the oikos FutureLab 2013 in St. Gallen, Switzerland, 11 – 12 November, 2013. You will report on the transformation of higher education...
The latest issue of the oikos Case Quarterly focuses on the challenges and opportunities the tourism sector faces in order to behave in a truly sustainable manner. The first...
oikos adds “Sustainable Finance” track to its annual Case Writing Competition. Finance plays a critical role in today’s economy and society as a whole. Development of savings, capital...
One of the most exciting things that you can do when going out is to visit a casino as they are not only filled with great games for gamblers...
In this issue we focus on the challenges and opportunities the tourism sector faces in order to behave in a truly sustainable manner. The first case presents the strategic efforts and...
Join us as we report on the upcoming International Business Forum (IBF), taking place in Istanbul, 23-24 October, 2013. Project Highlights *Focus on regional business innovation in context...
One more cone of ice-cream, one more dip in the lake, one more picnic in the mountain – soaking up the last bit of summer sun, we are gearing...