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oikos Young Scholars Entrepreneurship Academy

Creating Hybrid Ventures: Legitimacy and Sustainability Challenges in Social Entrepreneurship The fourth oikos Young Scholars Entrepreneurship Academy provides a unique platform to develop scholars in the early stages of their careers....


Barcelona Bayreuth Belfast Bratislava Brussels Budapest Cologne Clausthal St. Gallen

Youth Forum, oikos Tbilisi

oikos Tbilisi hosted the Student Forum within the project “The status of student organizations and their participation in university governance in Georgia”.

oikos Measures Carbon Footprint

The student initiative Carbon Neutral Campus has measured the HSG’s carbon footprint. The report serves as a basis for the improvement of the climate balance sheet. More

Energysavers 2012

“We want you… to become an Energysaver!” – that was the message addressed to students of four greatest Warsaw universities in November and December 2012 that expressed the main...