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Presentation: Positive Impact Rating

On 16th July at 17:00 CEST, oikos and other youth organizations will present Positive Impact Rating. oikos is one of the organizations participating in the process of creation of...

World Climate Simulation

oikos Bayreuth invites participants to the World Climate Simulation on 28th June 2019. Learn more about the event here

oikos on Tour to the Recycling Center

oikos Bayreuth organizes an excursion to the recycling center in Bayreuth in order to learn how much waste is actually recycled and how indeed the process is structured. Learn...

FutureLab 2019

In 2019, our flagship conference oikos FutureLab will be held in Geneva, Switzerland on 1st and 2nd November . The theme for this year’s event is “Acting together for...

oikos LEAP Meeting 2019

oikos LEAP Meeting 2019 will take place in Leysin, Switzerland between 25th and 31st of October. More information will be available soon.

Sustainability Week

oikos Witter/Herdecke is taking lead on organizing a series of events as part of sustainability week at their university. This year’s theme is “Change of values: individual, work, society”....


We invite you to ChangEDucation: 6th annual WU Sustainable Transformation Day, which will take place on May 14 (10:00-17:00), at WU’s Learning Center. Come join us and bring a...

oikos FutureLab 2019

The oikos FutureLab 2019 will take place in Geneva, Switzerland on 1st and 2nd November. This year we focus on how to “Act Together for Sustainability”. About FutureLab The...